What I've been watching while staying home, 2020 (plus cats)
A big adjustment we have made to our lives is that we get together with friends on video chat and the big upside is that it doesn't matter where they are. So we hang out with the folks who moved to Arizona even more regularly than before-yeah!! We have figured out how to watch tv together-it involves one side turning off the local sound and using sub-titles. Turns out I love this and now use subtitles for everything! This makes it super easy to watch foreign films and shows where it is better to pay attention.
Cat series is the boys cleaning each other in the sun.
We decided to have a Charlie Kaufman festival. I do like all types of movies and would love to take a film class but in the meantime will have a DIY class. I like not knowing anything when starting a movie, but then reading up on it afterwards. I've now read a couple of Kaufman interviews and he explicitly says that whatever you get out of his films is 'right'. There is no one way to interpret them and they are a conversation. I noticed that different critics have different favorite films. So often everyone agrees on the basic ranking of an artists work, but with Kaufman the lists are all over the place. There seems to be something for everyone to love and to hate.
The big themes he loves are mental conditions/disorders, Who Am I, Who Are These People Around Me, Time distortion, Perception distortion, repetition of scenes/settings, play within a play.
-Being John Malkovitch: Totally watched this when it came out, but had forgotten almost everything. super fun
-Confessions of a Dangerous Mind: Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman, directing debut by George Clooney. Most folks say this is the least Kaufman film because Clooney's directing style makes it less weird. Less memorable for me, but I did love seeing Clooney.
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Also saw this when it came out. I feel it has the happiest ending. I would recommend it to almost anyone.
-Anomalisa: The weird stop motion film. I kind of hated it while watching it....puppet sex is just....uncomfortable, But now that I've seen a bunch, I kind of like the whole thing. I think it has the saddest ending.
-Synecdoche, New York: The most existential? This one really draws some hate. I felt it could have used some editing, but some part were super great. I love the whole multi-layers of people acting as other people who are right there. Best sets.
-I'm Thinking of Ending Things: So many references to culture-now I want to watch Oklahoma! and go read up on so many others.

We had to watch some 'normal' or 'classics' to balance things out.
Back to the Future trilogy: For a bit of nostalgia. These were fine, but not great (no surprise). These are Robert Zemekis films, which were referenced in I'm Thinking of Ending Things, a nice tie in.
Cabin in the Woods: For Halloween, the best psychological thriller for folks who don't love a standard gore/horror film. I saw this in the theater and is it still SO GOOD. If you only have time for one movie on the whole page, this should be it.
Ghostbusters: Also for Halloween and nostalgia. It was fine.
Casa du Papel: Season 1 and 2, excellent! Heist story but with extra drama/soap opera stories. Plenty of episodes, though not really the bingeable type.

Foreign movies with some emotional weight
Force Majeur: Swedish film about....I'm not really sure? Family of 4 at a ski resort and there is an avalanche that scares them and they deal with the emotional aftermath? No clue why the ending is what it is!
Border: Swedish fantasy about finding out about your true self? Slow pacing, incredible makeup.
Kai Po Che: Indian movie about cricket and friendship and an earthquake and politics.
Disturbing foreign films
Okja: Director Bong Joon-ho (all disturbing all the time) about the love between a girl and her genetic mutation pet. Industrial animal farming complex. No need to watch this again, but I still need to see a few more of his films
I Lost My Body: French animated film where a separated hand is trying to get back to its body. Lonliness!