We did a ton of busy stuff at home and travel over the holidays. This is the round-up of bits I don't want to forget that didn't make it into any other post.
Pie glorious pie!
Thanksgiving means pie. There should be 1/3 to 1/2 pie per person. You can start eating pie the night before and should certainly have some for breakfast.
You can have other desserts too. I made meringues and a pecan bar (better than the pie version!), friends brought tiny chocolates and blueberry lemon tarts. But you have to have pie.
Salty snacks are good, those are my homemade crackers.
Lil smokies wrapped in bacon and turkey-yeah!
How cute are the lemon blueberry tarts with hand made citrus curls. And the tater tot poutine-brilliant!
This year we made a table arrangement that fit everybody (almost) and all the food-love it!
Everyone should go home with leftovers.
Venn diagram of the gluten-free items, dairy free items, and vegan items. Something for everyone except there are no vegan items with dairy-lol!
Friday after Thanksgiving we go to cut our own tree with Green-Eyed Girl and family. We almost never do this because that is when everyone else is trying to. Indeed, we get in just before they close their gate.
And sure, it was a bit of a wait, but we take our time picking just the right tree, the dog enjoys the outdoors, we hang out and chat. Helped that the weather was rainy for 10 minutes and gorgeous the rest of the trip.
And it is totally worth it. What a good looking tree!
Even better with lights.
Even better when we decorate.
Another holiday staple, the local kids concert. The neighbor boys are in orchestra, boy is it cute.
They manage to showcase the band, orchestra and color guard all in one evening.
Another evening is for driving around to see the lights.
Another night we and the neighbor boys go to see the best local lights. This one is fantastic and co-ordinated with music. Love it!!
Some neighbors join in, even if not to the same level.
Across the street as well.
In about an hour we saw a ton of great lights.
Super random. Passing through Orlando airport we spotted this minimalist boat. A paddle boat with motor?
Also in Orlando is this art installation. It is super realistic and tons of people stop to look. We grabbed some seats to people watch.
On this trip we had 5 flights on 4 different carriers. No idea where this pic is from-lol!
Chicago airport in the American terminal has a little out of the way section with a hydroponic garden.
Nice! I even used the yoga room they had available.
My aunt has enough wrapping paper/ribbons/bows to last 30 years, but can't resist getting something this cute.
Can't blame her. This one in particular looks so 70s to me.
Final tree from the Mall of America. Bye holidays, hello 2020!
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