Thursday, February 15, 2024

Books and cats October 2023 - January 2024

Books and cats, a classic combination


Looking for a new set of mysteries to love
-by Lisa Brackmann
Rock Paper Tiger:  Not enough actual mystery, just running around confused.

-by Samantha Jayne Allen
Pay Dirt Road:   Not sure where her life is going, gets involved.  Okay but not great.

-by ACF Bookens
Stitch X for Murder:  Too cozy for me to read another.

-by Lucy Foley
The Guest List:  A wedding on an island-trapped suspects amid lots of drama.  I did figure it out, but it was interesting enough.  I would read more from the author and she has a few.

-by Specer Quinn
Thereby Hangs a Tail:  ex-cop and his dog, but you only hear the dog's POV.  Cute and a fun way to cut out a lot of unnecessary info.  Might read another, but it might get old after a few.

-by Terry Pratchett
Thud: Mainly a Commander Vimes story.  Wherein Trolls and Dwarves have history.  
Going Postal: First in the Von Lipwig:  Love this!  Imagining the post office from the ground up, run by a con man with a heart of gold who actually does a good job.
Making Money:  Now do a bank!
Raising Steam:  Now do trains!  This set was super delightful, love Von Lipwig.
Unseen Academicals:  The university meets football.  Okay for a bit more about the university.

-by Harlan Ellison
short stories including I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream:  Good to read the classics.

-by Martha Wells
System Collapse:  The newest Murderbot!  This one is nice and complicated.  I'm already looking forward to rereading it.


-by Peggy Gifford
Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Stuart Little:  Checking out kids books and this caught my eye.  Super cute.

-by E.L. Konigsburg
The View From Saturday:  Group of misfits come together, do well in academic bowl quiz.  The kids are better developed than most.
You can pack around me.

-by Rick Riordan
Camp Half-Blood Confidential:  Short stories about all the other kids at the camp.  Did the audio book on a car trip.

-by Neal Shusterman
Unwind:  I really enjoyed his Scythe series so decided to check out this earlier work.  Turns out to have some similar themes, good writing, liked it enough to get the next in the series.

To Finish Later
-by Tim Urban
What's Our Problem?  As in, what is going on with civilization right now.  It is VERY long and I made it through the first part before it had to go back to the library.  The summary is that when people are emotional, they use the primitive brain rather than the thinking brain which makes poorer decisions.  This aligns with my reading about trauma.

-by Howard Marks
The Most Important Thing:  oof the writing got repetitious fast.  The whole book is, What if you ask a more in depth questions, not just the first surface question that comes to mind.  

-by Jamison Shea
I Feed Her To The Beast and The Beast is Me:  supposed to be in the horror genre, but I couldn't handle the setting-Paris ballet

-by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Assistant to the Villain:  seems cute and clever but I could not get into it

-by John Scalzi
Starter Villain: has great reviews and a clever premise, but again could not get into it.

-by David Brin
The Postman:  Inspired by reading Going Postal but it was just too long to finish.  Super reasonable for it's time and I did like that it had a more positive outlook.
Look what I brought it!  As soon as it stopped moving the cats were no longer interested.  I brought it outside, put it under the bushes, and 5 minutes later it was gone.

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