Thursday, May 23, 2024

Christchurch shorelines, Aug 2023

 Christchurch shorelines

New Zealand has tons of ocean front!  Most of it is wild, marshy, rocky, not calm sandy beaches. 

We didn't want to spend all day in the car, so we went to New Brighton.

Drove down the peninsula (just 10 minutes)

Stopping at little parking areas.

They have a pier and a beach that is lovely in summer.

Reminds me of NorCal beaches, but the seaweed is different.

Then we found they have a beach front library!

With a plaque to Duke Kamehameha, who spent time in this area surfing

You can get a cozy chair with an ocean view-fantastic!

A book we found in the travel section!

Time to leave, just as the sun is coming out.

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