Auckland Trinity Cathedral
View from the bus. The original is the smaller white building. It was originally built where I am standing, turned 90 degrees. They moved it across the street and turned it! The current one in use is the red brick in the back.
From the bus it didn't look too spectacular, but we figured it was on the tour for a reason, right? The inside is gorgeous and unlike any other cathedral I've seen.
Front entrance to the modern church
Front entrance from the inside
This is delightful
The stained glass images were carefully planned.
Fancy wood organ pipes
So light and airy.
A bit like the stained glass in Le Harve
Meanwhile at the back of the church is a small chapel for intimate gatherings

Jaw drop-so good of them to use all glass to good effect. We did get lucky with the sun this day.
Then over to the original church. The inside has a completely different vibe, all warm wood and cozy. The annex held artifacts from the wars and natural history.
I do love the pattern in the roof tile.

This is the modern sculpture outside the front that would likely look better with water.
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